Friday, December 19, 2008

Tonight was our annual LSM Christmas banquet where our kids go all out and get dressed up and act like they are all grown up. It is a ton of fun and a good chance to get some pictures of our family in our Christmas clothes.

The kids received lots of attention. Avery waved at people all night long and it cracked me up! She started babbling a lot more this week and I'm pretty sure she said "Daddy" a couple of times. She loves her daddy! She stares at him nonstop and gives him the girliest smiles I have ever seen. She also started eating baby food this week (yeah, I held out on that till almost seven months) so now she thinks she can eat anything. Here she is gumming a wrapped Tootsie Roll. She still isn't moving much. She will roll from front to back if she absolutely had to but seems completely unmotivated to transport herself from one place to another.

Jonathan got a haircut today and looks so grown up to me. He is so excited about Christmas this year and it is so fun to see the wonder of the season from his eyes.

Here is our fabulous student ministry staff. We love them like crazy and surely would not be able to do what we do without them.

Merry Christmas to you all!


Edwin and Melissa said...

What fabulous pictures and what a beautiful family. I miss you guys!

Jackie Harmon said...

great pictures. i love the way avery is looking at ben in the first picture. so cute. love jonathan's new haircut. miss you guys!

Superchikk said...

Yay! I love the pictures! I hope you guys had a great Christmas!