Friday, August 01, 2008

Milestone moment?

Our boy is crying in his bed right now. Tonight after dinner we got down his baby picture album and looked at the pictures, explaining to him how he was a tiny baby once and showing how he has grown. We told him how, as he would outgrow things, we would pack them up and put them in the attic. We packed up some clothes from his closet that he has outgrown, and then added his pacis. Now it is bedtime and he doesn't seem so excited about no paci for bed. I am nervous that it may be a long night, or few nights. We will see.
Avery is crying because the sun is going down, a nightly event for her. A lady at church told me that babies, the elderly, and people with brain injuries get upset when the sun is going down, and there is a medical term for it..."sundowning". I asked if she knew what to do about it, and she said no. Hmm. So we just wait it out every night and do what we can.
We went to camp last week and had an amazing time. There was so much for Jonathan to do! I will post pictures as soon as they become available to me.
Have a great day!


Edwin and Melissa said...

Poor baby - no paci. Amy posted three videos that I have already watched like 50 times a piece. I miss you guys!

Superchikk said...

I hope things get better with the no-paci thing. We are planning on getting rid of ours pretty soon. Maybe after the four teeth finish coming in and the laser surgery next week...we'll see.

I hope Avery's love affair with the sun doesn't continue for too long. Hopefully she'll come to welcome the quiet hours of the evening!

Angela said...

Ummm... is it too much to ask to post of picture of this sweet baby girl... AND Jonathan?? We need a visual!!

Sarah Ward said...

We did the binky thing a while back and it was not the greatest time for us!! It took her a few days and she began crying less at night! There is hope! It just takes a few nights of them crying for a while! I will be praying he does great!!

Superchikk said...

Ok, so I found Amy's blog and watched the videos Melissa was talking about.

I can't believe how big Jonathan is! He's so cute with his truck train! And Avery is an absolute doll. She looks a lot like Jonathan did at that age, I think. And still so much hair!